Trinaxyl 150
Buy Injectable Steroids

Trinaxyl 150

96.00 USD
Active substance: Trenbolone Enanthate 50mg, Trenbolone Acetate 50mg
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 10ml vial
Classification: Anabolic steroid
Active half-life: 14 Days
Dosage: Men -> 200-600 mg/week
Acne: Rarely
Water Retention: Yes
HBR: Perhaps
Hepatotoxicity: Yes
Aromatization: No
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U.S. Domestic

Trinaxyl 150 Detailed

Pharmacological drug Trinaxyl from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals is a mixture of three types of Trenbolone steroid (Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) - extra potent anabolic steroid, the effect of which is many times greater than the effect of pure Testosterone. Trenbolone Mix is often compared to the mechanism of effects on the body with the drug under the brand name of Nandroxyl or Deca, but the difference is still significant for each of the drugs. Trinaxyl acts as a derivative of Nandrolone, although it has a more pronounced effect on the body. Furthermore, unlike Nandrolone,Trinaxyl aromatisation effects does not cause delays or water, so its use is much more efficient.

The drug Trinaxyl came into the sport through veterinary practices, which was originally designed for use in cattle. From here there is a special power of the drug. Trinaxyl is applied, usually in bodybuilding, because it is designed to build bulk muscle. In preparation for a competition, a bodybuilder can use it solo or in combination with other drugs, depending on the intended purpose. Equally good for mass gaining and to give relief for existing musculature.

Since the pharmacological agent Trinaxyl renowned for its exceptional power and high efficiency of each of the three components, this drug will be too "aggressive" to be used as the first cycle of steroids. Therefore, for beginners usually it is not recommend, but it is in great demand among professional athletes.

Trinaxyl Dosage/Cycle/Usage

The average Trinaxyl dosage - 300-350 mg per week. However, the dose may vary depending on the purposes and the physical condition of the athlete and depending on the individual characteristics such as personal parameters and the type of power load. Therefore, as a pre-course preparation it is necessary to consult with a specialist about the dosage of the drug and how hypersensitive you are to its components.

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