NPP 150 is a fast-acting form of nandrolone. Nandrolone is chemically related to the male hormone testosterone. Compared to testosterone, it has an enhanced anabolic and a reduced androgenic activity. This has been demonstrated in animal bioassays and explained by receptor binding studies. The low androgenicity of nandrolone is confirmed in clinical use. In the human, nandrolone has been shown to positively influence calcium metabolism and to increase bone mass in osteoporosis.
In women with disseminated mammary carcinoma, nandrolone has been reported to produce objective regressions for many months. Furthermore, nandrolone has a nitrogen-saving action. This effect on protein metabolism has been established by metabolic studies and is utilized therapeutically in conditions where a protein deficiency exists such as during chronic debilitating diseases and after major surgery and severe trauma.
In these conditions, nandrolone phenylpropionate serves as a supportive adjunct to specific therapies and dietary measures as well as parenteral nutrition. Due to its faster acting nature nandrolone phenylpropionate is preffered in situations where a faster clinical response is required over its chemical variant nandrolone decaonate.
NPP 150 is very similar to the popular Deca. NPP 150must be injected frequently and in regular intervals. The substance nandrolone phenylpropionate quickly gets into the blood, where it remains active for two to three days.
NPP 150 results
It shows that NPP 150 stores much less water in the body than Deca. For this reason, Dubol is more suitable for a preparation for a competition while Deca should be given preference for the buildup of strength and muscle mass. NPP 150, however, can be used for this purpose as well. The gains are fewer and slower than with Deca but of a higher quality and remain, for the most part, after discontinuing the com-pound.
NPP 150 dosage
Athletes who hope for optimal results inject NPP 150 every third day, or even every two days. The dosage is around 50-100 mg per injection, or a total of 150-300 mg/week. NPP 150 has a distinct anabolic effect which assists the protein synthesis and allows the protein to be stored in the muscle cell in large amounts. This is combined with a moderate androgenic component which stimulates the athlete's regeneration and helps maintain the muscle mass during a diet.
Female athletes therefore take NPP 150 in weekly intervals since, due to its short duration of effect; no undesirable concentration of androgen takes place. They achieve good results with 50 mg Dubol/week, 50 mg Testosterone Propionate every 8-10 days, and 8-10 mg Winstrol/day, or 10 mg Oxandrolone/day. Three to four day intervals between the relative injections are to be observed.
NPP 150 stack
A stack suitable for this purpose would be, e.g. 50 mg NPP 150 every 2 days, 50 mg Testosterone Propionate every days, and 20 mg Winstrol tablets every day.
NPP 150 side effects
There are few side effects for NPP 150. Water retention, high blood pressure, an elevated estrogen level, and virilization symptoms occur less often with NPP 150 than with Deca.
NPP 150 is one of the safest non-toxic steroids offering satisfactory results. NPP 150 has no negative effect on the liver function so it can even be taken in cases of liver disease. Side effects occur only in rare cases and in persons who are extremely sensitive. Virilization symptoms in women such as huskiness, deep voice, hirsutism, acne, and increased libido are possible but occur only rarely if reasonable dosages are taken at reasonable intervals.
Men usually experience no symptoms with NPP 150. Since the release of gonadotropins in the hypophysis is inhibited, there is a chance that the body's own testosterone production in a male athlete will be lower when the compound is taken over a prolonged time and in excessive doses.
NPP 150 online
At our steroid pharmacy one may purchase NPP 150 from Dragon Pharma, the injectable steroid that represents the substance nandrolone phenylpropionate at a discounted price. NPP 150 is being shipped in its original box containing a 10 ml vial (150mg/ml), thus it is an original Dragon Pharma product properly marked and labeled. There is also a bulk offer for it, specially designed for professionals and for those who prefer cycling regularly.
Buy NPP 150
RxSteroids.net deals only with genuine Dragon Pharma steroids. The authenticity of NPP 150 can be checked on the official Dragon Pharma website. Buy NPP 150 now and make our online steroids shop your personal source of bodybuilding gear.
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Active substance: Trenbolone Acetate 100mg
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Unit: 10ml vial
Classification: Anabolic androgenic steroid
Chemical name: (17β)-3-Oxoestra-4,9,11-trien-17-yl acetate
Formula: C20H24O3
Anabolic activity index: 500%
Androgenic activity index: 500%
Active half-life: 1-1.5 Days
Dosage: Men -> 100 - 700 mg/week
Acne: Rarely
Water Retention: No
Hepatotoxicity: Yes
Aromatization: No
Lab Tested: View Result